Saturday 10 March 2012

Post numero uno

I guess this first post is an intro to my life at current- which is middayish on the 11th March 2012.

So I'm Maxi, I'm 21 years old and have a loevely wee man and an equally lovely older man. We shall call him Geordie. I've been with the other half for five years now and we've been engaged for one year, with no date set yet until we have finished being broke students. We live together with my mum for the moment while we finish off our degrees (six months to go- yay!!) I'm studying Teaching (Primary school) and he is doing Sport and Recreation. Wee man is walking, 'talking', into everything and starting this new thing called tantrums. We are a mostly happy family.

I suppose most of my posts will relate to my views on parenting and education, as well as a fair few complaints about the Geordie (I do love him I swear).

So, what's important to know about Maxi? Nothing really, I'm quite boring. I don't really have much of a social life at present; I prefer to visit family. Sometimes I worry that my close friends are my family, and that means I don't have any "real" friends. My BMI is 20, I'm 5'2" (or 158cm). Ummm, I'm not religous, more 'spritual' I suppose you would call it. I'm planning on quitting smoking on April 1st so wish me luck!

I don't care if whoever reads this finds it boring. It is more of an anonymous blog for me to record my thoughts for my own entertainment. So...happy reading!

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